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Gegründet 1947 Mittwoch, 5. Februar 2025, Nr. 30
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Links & bündig: Jetzt bestellen!
19.10.2023, 15:32:33 / Der Bandera-Komplex

Panel: Ukrainian Fascists and the Bandera Lobby: Agitators for World War III?

jW editor-in-chief Stefan Huth will discuss the role of Ukrainian fascists and their allies as a motor and catalyst for the escalation of conflicts, also beyond the Ukraine war, with the publicists Oleg Yasinsky (Pressenza, Telesur), Jörg Kronauer (German Foreign Policy, jW), Arnold Schölzel (jW, Rotfuchs) and Russ Bellant. In this framework, dangerous political and ideological consequences and concomitant phenomena such as historical revisionism, the suppression and stigmatisation of oppositionists as well as hate propaganda in the media and the synchronisation of public opinion will also be examined.

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