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27.09.2023, 16:07:54 / Der Bandera-Komplex

Unmasking the Bandera Lobby:

Von Moss Robeson

Investigating OUN-B and its role in the Ukraine conflict

Mostly it is assumed today that the Bandera wing of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-B) fizzled out many years ago. Some »experts« acknowledge that OUN-B still exists, but downplay its significance.

This two-part lecture will start with an overview of the international OUN-B network and highlight its alarming connections, especially in the United States, but also in Germany and other western countries. (For example, over 20 years, leaders of the Bandera cult have been making inroads in the »belly of the beast« with policy conferences held in Washington and New York.) Since Ukraine became independent in 1991, OUN-B has tried to bridge the gap between the far-right and more mainstream political forces. OUN-B lost its virtual monopoly on the Bandera cult, however it has played an important part in the »Banderization« of the country since 2014, and arguably helped to provoke Russia’s invasion by sabotaging president Zelenskiy’s early efforts to make peace in 2019–20.

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