Moss Robeson, born 1996 in Red Bank, New Jersey, is an independent researcher based in New York focused on Ukrainian fascism and the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation in Washington, DC. Publications (selection): Bandera’s Insurgency-in-Waiting: OUN-B and the »Capitulation Resistance Movement«, Part 1; Greenlighting the »Pantheon of Heroes« or: How USAID learned to stop worrying and love the Banderites (Bandera Lobby Blog,, 2022, 2023); The Azov Lobby, Part 1(Ukes, Kooks & Spooks,, 2023); Cold War Campus 2.0: Victims of Communism & a CIA feeder school (Victims of Communism,, 2023); Banderization of Ukraine: How the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists rewrites the history of the Second World War and the Holocaust – with the support of Washington (junge Welt, 2023); WAZ and the »Magic Circle«, a found footage film about the Bandera cult in the U.S. (Moss Robeson,, 2023).
Russ Bellant, born in Detroit in 1948, worked as a freelance writer and has researched varieties of U.S. fascism and Nazism, and rightist dominion theology groups across the U.S., attending meetings of the Aryan Nations, the World Anti-Communist League, emigre fascist networks and former Nazi collaborators in the U.S., and organizations allied with the military-industrial complex. He is active with solidarity groups fighting U.S. interventions in their countries. Publications (selection): Old Nazis, the New Right and the Republican Party: Domestic fascist networks and their effect on U.S. cold war politics (South End Press, 1988); The Religious Right in Michigan Politics (Americans for Religious Liberty, 1996); Seven Decades of Nazi Collaboration: America’s dirty little Ukraine secret (Foreign Policy In Focus, 2014).
Jürgen Lloyd, born 1964 in Mönchengladbach, board member of the Marx Engels Foundation, is active in Marxist educational work, and for years has been working in particular on the concept of fascism and its consequences for anti-fascist strategy. Publications (selection): Fascism Starts Already in the Kitchen: On useful and harmful interpretations of the relationship between fascism and society (in: Susann Witt-Stahl/Michael Sommer (eds.): »Antifa Means Air Strike!«: Regression of a revolutionary movement, Laika 2014); Fascism on Its Way to Power (in: Lena Kreymann/Paul Rodermund (eds.): A World to Win: Marx, capitalism today and what we can do, Papyrossa 2018); Exported Fascism: How the export of capital also transports the content of power (junge Welt 2023).
Oleg Yasinsky, born in Kiev 1967, Ukrainian Chilenean journalist, is collaborator of Latin American independent media such as Pressenza, Desinformemonos and others, researcher of indigenous and social movements in Latin America, producer of political documentaries in Colombia, Bolivia, Mexico and Chile, author of several publications and translator of texts by Eduardo Galeano, Luis Sepulveda, Jose Saramago, Subcomandante Marcos and others into Russian. He is a columnist for Russia Today‘s Spanish page and correspondent for Telesur in Russia.
Jörg Kronauer, born in 1968, is a social scientist and journalist living in London. He works on neo-fascism and international politics, is editor of the online portal German Foreign Policy and publishes regularly in junge Welt.
Arnold Schölzel, born in 1947, studied philosophy at the Humboldt University in Berlin and worked there in teaching and research in the history of philosophy until 1990. 1982 doctorate with a thesis on Karl Korsch. Editor of junge Welt since 1997, editor-in-chief from 2000 to 2016. Since 2019, responsible editor of the monthly magazine Rotfuchs, author on domestic and foreign policy issues in junge Welt and Unsere Zeit.