Dein roter Faden in wirren Zeiten
Gegründet 1947 Donnerstag, 13. März 2025, Nr. 61
Die junge Welt wird von 3005 GenossInnen herausgegeben
Dein roter Faden in wirren Zeiten Dein roter Faden in wirren Zeiten
Dein roter Faden in wirren Zeiten


The 30th International Rosa-Luxemburg-Conference will take place as an in-person event and via livestream in Berlin.

The organisation of the conference, the livestream and the simultaneous translation cost us a lot of money. We are therefore dependent on your support. Please help us cover the costs by making a donation. This is the only way we can finance the entire conference and send out a powerful signal of solidarity.

Donate via PayPal:

Or for donations to this account:
Verlag 8. Mai GmbH
Postbank Berlin
IBAN: DE50 1001 0010 0695 6821 00
Reason for payment: RLK 2025

Thank you very much!

For donations of €40 or more, we will send you a fridge magnet with the motif of this year's Rosa Luxemburg Conference as a thank you. Please state your name and the delivery address when making the transfer.