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Gegründet 1947 Dienstag, 25. Februar 2025, Nr. 47
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Conference 2023

Conference 2023

  • 17.12.2021 11:00 Uhr

    XXVIII. International Rosa Luxemburg Conference Short biographies of the speakers

    Short biographies of the speakers
    Editorial staff
    Mumia Abu Jamal

    Anne Morelli

    Anne Morelli (born 1948) is a historian and honorary professor at the University of Brussels (ULB). Her seminar "Historical Criticism" has been attended by more than a thousand students every year. For them, she wrote the small book "Principes élémentaires de propagande de guerre" (Elementary Principles of War Propaganda), which went through numerous editions in French. Today it is considered a "classic" and is available in seven languages.

    She became known to the wider Belgian public through her books on the history of immigration to Belgium ("Histoire des étrangers et de l'immigration en Belgique") and the emigration of Belgians ("Les émigrants belges"), but also on the mystifications of national history ("Les grands mythes de l'histoire de Belgique"). She recently published an article in the largest Belgian daily newspaper (Le Soir) condemning the prevailing Russophobia ("Was Romain Rolland a 'Putinist'?" ).

    Wen Tiejun

    Wen Tiejun (born 1951) is a Chinese economist specialising in sustainable agricultural development issues. He teaches as a professor at Renmin University in Beijing, among other places, and is active in various advisory government bodies. He is the author of numerous publications on macroeconomics, ecology as well as issues related to the conditions in the Chinese countryside. Among other titles his book "Ten Crises. The Political Economy of China's Development (1949-2020)" was published in English in 2021.

    Aminata D. Traoré

    Aminata Dramane Traoré (born 1947) is a Malian author and human rights activist. Between 1997 and 2000, she was Minister of Culture and Tourism in Mali under President Alpha Oumar Konaré. She has taught at the Institute of Ethnosociology at the University of Abidjan (1974-1988), worked as Director of Studies at the Ministry of Women's Affairs in Côte d'Ivoire (1979-1988) and was Coordinator of the UN Development Programme for Water in Africa (1988-1992), among other positions. In 2021, the Ethecon Foundation (based in Duesseldorf, Germany) awarded her the "International Ethecon Blue Planet Award" for her work for migration freedom, climate justice and against militarism.

    Nicolai Platoshkin

    Nicolai Platoshkin (born 1965) was a Soviet and Russian diplomat from 1987 to 2006. He founded the "Movement for a New Socialism" in 2019. He worked at the missions in Germany and in the USA. He then worked as a professor of history at Moscow Humanities University. After announcing his intention to stand in the 2020 presidential elections, he was placed under house arrest following a house search and sentenced to five years' probation in May 2021. He is an associate of his wife, Duma deputy Angelika Glaskova.

    Jack Rasmus

    Jack Rasmus teaches US economic policy, US economic history and the history of economic thought at St Mary's College in Moraga, California. He is the author of several books on the global economy, most recently »Alexander Hamilton and the Origins of the Fed«, published in 2019. Before becoming a college teacher and book author, Rasmus was an economist and analyst at various market research companies, and before that he was an active trade unionist in various industries. He is a regular contributor to publications such as Telesur and Counterpunch and blogs at

    Rosa Miriam Elizalde Zorrilla

    Rosa Miriam Elizalde Zorrilla (born 1966) is first vice-president of the Cuban Federation of Journalists and the Latin American Federation of Journalists (FELAP). She studied journalism at the Raúl Cepero Bonilla Institute in Havana, followed by her doctorate in communication sciences in 2014. From 1989 to 2002, worked at Juventud Rebelde, the daily newspaper of Cuba’s communist youth federation; there, among other things, head of the youth affairs team (1991), editor-in-chief (1992-1993), deputy editorial director, responsible for the newspaper’s news management (1994-2002). Participated in numerous international events and forums in Cuba and abroad as an expert in digital political communication.

    Noelle Hanrahan

    Noelle Hanrahan, is a lesbian, journalist, private investigator, and practicing attorney. She liberated Mumia Abu-Jamal’s first book Live from Death Row from prison. She has produced his radio essays for 30 yrs., and co-founded Prison Radio w/Jennifer Beach. She produced the award winning documentary Mumia: Long Distance Revolutionary. In 2020 Prison Radio published Mumia’s trilogy and magnum opus Murder Incorporated (Empire, Genocide & Manifest Destiny) written w/ Stephen Vittoria. She was the lead organizer for the landmark victorious civil rights lawsuit Bari v. USA, which exposed the FBI, ATF and the Oakland Police Department’s illegal actions in the wake of the assassination attempt of Earth First! organizer Judi Bari. Bari was campaigning to build alliances between workers and environmentalists to save the California Redwoods. Hanrahan, specializes research and interviews for civil and criminal defense investigations, and is a licensed private investigator in Pennsylvania and barred in Pennsylvania. Ms. Hanrahan has a B.A. from Stanford University, and an M.A. in Criminal Justice, from Boston University, and a J.D. from Rutgers University Law School.

    Panel discussion:

    Christin Bernhold

    Christin Bernhold has been doing primarily anti-militarist work for 15 years and has since been correspondingly active in the peace movement in Hamburg; in 2010, co-founder of the Hamburg alliance "Education without the Bundeswehr" (Bildung ohne Bundeswehr, BoB). Member of the Marxism and Animal Liberation Alliance for several years. In 2014 (after the European Party Congress in Hamburg) left the party Die Linke. Studies and doctorate in economic geography, her dissertation "Global value chains and uneven development. Corporate strategies and class dynamics in Argentinian agribusiness."

    Thilo Nicklas

    Thilo Nicklas, who grew up in Wriezen an der Oder and Leipzig, is a trained construction machinist, has been works council chairman and a member of the Industrial Union for Construction, Agriculture and the Environment (IG BAU) since 2002, and has been deputy chairman of the IG BAU Cologne-Bonn district association since 2017. He is also an honorary judge at Cologne Labour Court.

    Sevim Dagdelen

    Sevim Dagdelen, born and raised in Duisburg, studied law in Marburg, Adelaide and Cologne, member of the German Bundestag since 2005. In the 19th legislative period (2017-2021) Deputy Chair of the parliamentary group Die Linke in the Bundestag (2017-2020). Member of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA), substitute member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. Various memberships in associations, including the Federal Association of Migrant Women, the Naturfreunde (friends of nature) and the Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI e.V.).

    Melina Deymann

    Melina Deymann studied theatre studies, modern German literature and English studies and then trained as a bookseller. The rise of an online monopolist put an abrupt end to her dream job. The UZ benefited from it: since 2017, she has been working for the weekly newspaper of the DKP, first as a trainee, today as editor for international politics and culture and as chief of staff. She discovered her love of writing while working for Position, the magazine of the Socialist German Workers' Youth.

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  • 21.10.2022 13:00 Uhr

    Program of the XXVIII. International Rosa Luxemburg Conference

    Stop the Third World War. Now!

    14 January 2023, 10-21 h, Conference Hotel Mercure MOA, Berlin-Moabit
    Stephanstraße 41, 10559 Berlin

    Program of the 25rd International Rosa Luxemburg Conference

    - 10.30 a.m., Opening by Black Heritage - Mfa Kera & Mike Russell.
    Vernissage of the exhibition of the junge Welt graphic collection
    Welcome by the moderators Ina Sembdner and Sebastian Carlens

    - 11.00 a.m., Lecture
    »Development Model China. What is the West afraid of?«
    Wen Tiejun, Economist (PR China)

    - 11.55 am, Lecture
    »NATO's war propaganda«
    Anne Morelli, historian (Belgium)

    - 12.30, Conversation
    On the situation at Melodie & Rhythmus
    Talk with Susann Witt-Stahl (editor-in-chief)
    Presentation of the film
    »Oh, Jeremy Corbyn: The Big Lie.«
    Discussion with contributors
    (World premiere: Sunday, January 15, 2023, 2 p.m., Babylon Cinema)

    - 1:20 p.m., lecture
    »On the Social Situation in Russia.«
    Nikolai Platoschkin, ex-diplomat, book author and politician (Russian Federation).

    - 14.00, Greeting
    Mumia Abu-Jamal, political prisoner (USA), presented by Noelle Hanrahan (Prison Radio)

    - 14.30, Youth Panel
    »Inflation Meets Youth - Resistance as a Response«

    - 3:30 p.m., Lecture
    »Deglobalization and the Compulsion to War.«
    Jack Rasmus, Economist (USA)

    - 16.00, Hall rally
    Manifestation for peace
    with Rolf Becker (actor)

    - 16.40, Lecture
    »Consequences of Western war policies for poor countries«.
    Aminata D. Traoré, Ex-Minister (Mali)

    - 17.15, Presentation of the event series »50 years of fascist coup in Chile«
    Concert for Víctor Jara
    Pablo Miró (German-Argentinean musician, guitarist and songwriter) and Nicolás Miquea
    (songwriter, poet and guitarist, Chile)

    - 18.00, Message of greeting
    Aleida Guevara, politician and pediatrician (Cuba)

    - 18.10, Lecture
    »War and Colonialism 2.0.«
    Rosa Miriam Elizalde, journalist (Havana, Cuba), first vice president of the Cuban Journalists' Association

    Interjection: junge Welt lawsuit against mention of the newspaper in the annual report on the protection of the constitution

    - 6:45 p.m., panel discussion
    »Fighting in the Crisis. The War and the Social Question«
    with Christin Bernhold, grassroots activist (Hamburg); Thilo Nicklas, trade unionist, Industriegewerkschaft Bauen-Agrar-Umwelt (IG BAU), deputy chairman of the Cologne-Bonn district association; Sevim Dagdelen, member of the Bundestag Die Linke; Melina Deymann, editor of the weekly newspaper Unsere Zeit

    - 20.00, Closing
    Singing the Internationale together

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