Dein roter Faden in wirren Zeiten
Gegründet 1947 Sa. / So., 29. / 30. März 2025, Nr. 75
Die junge Welt wird von 3005 GenossInnen herausgegeben
Dein roter Faden in wirren Zeiten Dein roter Faden in wirren Zeiten
Dein roter Faden in wirren Zeiten

Tickets for the 30th Rosa Luxemburg Conference on January 11, 2025

Von Redaktion

Tickets can be ordered in the junge Welt online shop.

Normal price 39 euros, social price 24 euros, solidarity price 59 euros

By purchasing a ticket at the solidarity price, you support the financing of the conference and the offer of a social ticket. As a thank you, you will receive a fridge magnet with the motif of this year's Rosa Luxemburg Conference.

Admission is free for children up to the age of eleven.

Tickets available in the junge Welt-Laden:

junge Welt-Laden, Torstraße 6, 10119 Berlin, near Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz,
Opening hours: Wednesday to Friday, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.