Program of the 26th Rosa Luxemburg International Conference
10.30 a.m. (CET): Start of live broadcast at jungewelt.de/rlk
Opening and welcome by Anja Panse (actress, stage director) and Sebastian Carlens (junge Welt)
Tour of the exhibitions with selected works :
Progressive Worker Photographers / R-Mediabase:
»The victory of reason can only be the victory of those who reason«
Group »Tendenzen« Berlin:
»Socialism or Barbarism«
Lecture at 11 a.m. (CET)
Stefano Azzarà (Italy)
Associate professor at the University of Urbino
»Flash points of world politics«
Ben Chacko (UK), Morning Star editor-in-chief, on the Julian Assange trial
Youth Panel at 12 a.m. (CET)
»The Youth’s struggle against Corona and Crisis «
The economic crisis particularly affects young people worldwide. And the corona pandemic – though not the cause of the capitalist crisis – intensifies attacks on social and democratic rights. Resistance forms on the streets, in companies, in schools. As a model case for such worldwide fights, we will discuss on how struggles in Germany can be organized, centralized and stabilized, the necessary role of the revolutionary left in these defensive struggles and possible perspectives.
Panelists: Roylan Tolay, Youth of the Federation of Democratic Workers Associations (DIDF); Sascha Hevalski, Antifa Northeast Berlin; Erik Busse, Member of the Federal Tariff Commission of the Verdi Public Service; Leon Sierau, German Socialist Workers' Youth (SDAJ); Presenter: Carolin Zottmann (SDAJ)
Cultural program at 1 p.m. (CET)
Ezé Wendtoin (Burkina Faso)
Musician and actor
Lecture at 1:30 a.m. (CET)
"Economic crisis"
Radhika Desai (Canada)
Geopolitical Economy Research Group
Cultural program at 2 p.m. (CET)
Simon Dach SiDaT! (BRD)
with an excerpt from his production of "The Days of the Commune" by Bertolt Brecht
»Flash points of world politics«
Dora Cheick Diarra (Mali)
2. Secretary of the SADI party
Lecture at 3 p.m. (CET)
»Fascism / Racism«
Donna Murch (United States)
Writer and professor at Rutgers University
»Flash points of world politics«
Mumia Abu-Jamal (USA)
Political prisoner and journalist
Vijay Prashad (India)
Tricontinental editor-in-chief, on the current situation in India
Lecture at 4 p.m. (CET)
»Ecological crisis«
John Bellamy Foster (United States)
Editor, Monthly Review Magazine
Cultural program at 2 p.m. (CET)
Konstantin Wecker (Germany)
Musician and composer
»Flash points of world politics«
Janohi Rosas (Venezuela)
Secretary General of the Communist Youth on the current situation in Venezuela
Lecture at 5 p.m. (CET)
»Socialist exit«
Enrique Ubieta Gómez (Cuba)
Director of the theoretical magazine Cuba Socialista
»Flash points of world politics«
On the situation of Selahattin Demirtaş (Turkey), former HDP co-chair and political prisoner
»Flash points of world politics« and Cultural program at 6 p.m. (CET)
David Rovics (USA)
Musician and composer
Panel discussion at 6:30 p.m. (CET)
Amazon, profiteer of the crisis
During the pandemic market power of the retail giant has grown endlessly. Current estimate of CEO Jeffrey Bezos’ private assets is about 183 billion dollars, while for the Amazon employees are the “crumbs” only. Daily life at Amazon distribution centers is characterized by increased exploitation, rushed work and perfidious surveillance practices. Retail trade is under pressure due to Amazon’s rigorous price dumping. But internationally resistance is forming against this type of business. With participants and organizers of labor disputes we will discuss on strike experiences, international networking, but also if, after Lenin, such monopoles might be a pre-stages to a socialist organization of society.
Panelists: Timothy Bray (USA), Former Vice President of Amazon Web Services (AWS); Orhan Akman (Germany), trade union secretary Verdi; Fátima Aguado Queipo (Spain), union secretary CCOO; Massimo Mensi (Italy), union secretary Italian Federation of Workers. Presenter: Stefan Huth (Germany), editor-in-chief junge Welt
8 p.m. (CET): Singing the International together at the end of the conference
Conference languages: German, English and Spanish (simultaneous translation)