Dein roter Faden in wirren Zeiten
Gegründet 1947 Donnerstag, 13. März 2025, Nr. 61
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Dein roter Faden in wirren Zeiten Dein roter Faden in wirren Zeiten
Dein roter Faden in wirren Zeiten

Programme of the 30th International Rosa Luxemburg Conference

»The final fight – how dangerous is capitalism in decline?«

Overall moderation: Gina Pietsch (actress, singer)

Lectures from 11.00 a.m.

Loss of hegemony and unipolarity of the West using the examples of Africa and the Middle East conflict
Kwesi Pratt (Ghana), Socialist Movement of Ghana

Europe as a target for the next big war
Clare Daly (Ireland), politician, former member of the EU Parliament

Why AI makes the decline of imperialism even more dangerous and why AI could facilitate the rebuilding of a different society
Dietmar Dath (Germany), journalist, writer

Their solution to the problems: war and fascism
Yücel Demirer (Turkey), political scientist

Another solution to the problems: European peace order
Peter Mertens (Belgium), President of the PTB-PVDA (Labour Party)

Message of greeting
by Mumia Abu-Jamal (USA), author, political prisoner, introduced by
Jennifer Black (USA), activist from the movement (requested)

Unblock cuba! Hail international solidarity!
Solidarity delegations from various European countries

Youth panel
All wheels stand still?: Current labour struggles and the tasks of youth
with: Representatives of various trade union and youth organisations

Cultural programme

Hannes Zerbe Jazz Orchestra
Hannes Zerbe (Germany) composer, pianist

Ezé Wendtoin (Burkina Faso), musician and actor
with special guest Mal Élevé (BRD)

Eran Torbiner (Israel), filmmaker and chronicler of the Israeli left

18.30 hrs, panel discussion

Ready for war? Never again! How do we stop rearmament in Germany?

Petra Erler (former State Secretary in the de Maizière government)
Günter Verheugen (former EU Commissioner, Social Democrats for Peace)
Mark Ellmann (GEW trade union member, DKP peace work)
N.N. (representative of Disarm Rheinmetall)

Moderation: Nick Brauns, Editor-in-Chief, Junge Welt

20.00, Closing
Singing the Internationale together

Conference languages: English, Spanish, Turkish, German (simultaneous translation)

Subject to change without notice.